I love you, Letters, Poems

I remember

I remember when I first met you. I thought to myself, “how did I live my life without you? How did I manage that?”.

A few months have passed since that day, and I am beginning to think that our paths have almost finished crossing.

I feel like I am slowly losing you and each day now consists of less of you and more of everything and everyone else. Soon we’ll become those people who cross the street to avoid each other…


Maybe this is for the better…
Maybe we have ran out of love to give each other.

I don’t know but what I do know is that I am extremely glad that our paths crossed.
Even if it was just for a moment.

I love you, Just Thoughts, Letters

Since we met…

Ever since we’ve met, I’ve known that we are special. That the way we talk and laugh around each other is different than anybody else.That I will never meet anyone I can trust as much as I trust you. And I think most people search their whole lives to find what we have already found
